Sunday, 24 October 2010


Zakat Emas
Emas adalah salah satu logam yang diwajibkan zakat. Kewajipan zakat ke atas EMAS ini dijelaskan dalam firman Allah S.W.T. bermaksud:
“Dan mereka yang menyimpan emas dan perak dan tidak membelanjakannya pada jalan Allah (mengeluarkan zakat) maka khabarkanlah kepada mereka dengan azab yang pedih, pada hari emas dan perak dibakar di dalam neraka jahanam lalu diselar dengannya dahi dan rusuk mereka dan belakang mereka seraya dikatakan kepada mereka inilah harta yang kamu simpan selama ini buat dirimu, maka rasailah balasan apa yang kamu simpan dahulu”.
At- Taubah; ayat 34-35

Zakat emas dikira dalam dua keadaan.

1. Emas yang tidak dipakai (disimpan)
Emas yang tidak digunakan atau dipakai walaupun sekali dalam tempoh setahun. Jika nilai emas tersebut menyamai atau melebihi 85gram (nisab), maka wajib dikeluarkan zakat sebanyak 2.5%.

Harga Emas semasa RM150.00/gram
Jumlah Simpanan Emas 100gram
2.5% x nilai emas yang disimpan (jika melebihi nisab)
Perkiraannya : RM15,000.00 x 2.5%
Jumlah zakat    = RM 375.00

2. Emas yang dipakai
Emas yang dipakai (sebagai perhiasan) walaupun sekali dalam tempoh setahun tidak wajib dikeluarkan zakat ke atasnya. Tetapi jika ianya melebihi ‘uruf’ (nilai kebiasaan pemakaian masyarakat setempat), maka ia diwajibkan zakat dengan kadar 2.5% atas lebihan dari nilai uruf. Nilai yang diambilkira adalah nilai semasa emas sahaja iaitu tidak termasuk batu permata.
Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan menetapkan kadar uruf adalah 150 gram emas.
Berat Emas yang dipakai = 250 gram
Uruf Emas = 150g ram
Berat Emas yang layak dizakat = 250 gram - 150 gram = 100gram
Zakat yang wajib dibayar = 2.5% x (100 gram x harga semasa)
= 2.5% x (100 gram x RM 150.00)
= RM 375.00


Monday, 18 October 2010

Rate Baru Ar-Rahnu Agrobank

Assalamulaikum dan salam sejahtera, Sekali lagi rate emas 999.9 & 916 untuk gold bar & gold coin telah di revise di AgroBank bermula Jumaat 15/10/2010 seperti berikut:
·         Rate 999.9 (gold bar) = RM159.10/g (rate lama RM148.50/g dulunya RM126/g)

Dan kadar pinjaman utk Gold Bar 70% - jumlah pinjaman sehari telah ditambah bukan lagi RM10k, selamat melabur.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Syiling 10 gram Emas 999.9 Bunga Raya

by Hasbullah Pit (dgn kebenaran sms 11.59am 16/10/2010)

Setakat ini, Syiling emas  999.9 Bunga Raya adalah syiling emas 999.9 10 gram termurah di tanah air Malaysia.

Harganya (per gram) lebih kurang 4% lebih murah daripada Jongkong Emas 20 gram Jenama P.

Apabila memperkatakan emas sebagai penyimpan nilai, perkara utama yang perlu dititikberatkan adalah harganya.
Sekiranya sesuatu emas itu mahal, maka fungsinya sebagai penyimpan nilai tidak sempurnya.

Pada julat harga RM 13xx hingga RM 14xx, ianya adalah mampu milik bagi golongan sederhana.

Kebiasaannya, Hanya jongkong emas sekala besar yang mempunyai harga per gram yang rendah, Namun ianya tidak "mampu milik" bagi golongan berpendapatan rendah atau sederhana.

"Berapa Spread"?

Persoalan berapa Spread biasanya ditanya boleh pemilik emas yang sudah biasa dengan Jenama P.

Adalah dimaklumkan, bahawa Spread bukan segala-galanya.

Apabila sesuatu harga emas itu sudah berada menghampiri Harga SPOT, maka spread boleh dilupakan.

Namun jika anda ingin juga jawapan kepada "Berapa Spread" ,
Kami boleh jawap "Dengan kami spread 6-9%"
(Kami = Dagangan DuaLogam Merlimau")

Namun, Reseller boleh menetapkan peratus spread sendiri.

Untuk membelinya, Sila dapatkan daripada reseller di bawah:



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Ismail - 013 3399551- Muar

Pengambilan Reseller akan ditamatkan pada 15 oktober 2010.
Kecuali di Negeri yang belum ada Reseller.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Building wealth with Gold, Silver, and other precious metals

Gold is a viable substitute currency in the world today!  That´s all there is to it, when the value of paper currencies are worth less, then gold dramatically increases in value.  And right now  currencies across the developed world are in fact becoming worth less and less because of their deficit issues and the amount of money that is being printed in order to try to support their economies.  This of course is eroding the value of fiat currencies, and now we are seeing gold become a more attractive option, hence the rising prices.  I know it sounds simplistic, but just as I tell my clients, there is no need to suffer paralysis by analysis, just view gold as an alternate currency, and remember, when the value of paper currencies fall, alternate currencies rise.
Right now, Europe is suffering a crisis of debt and it´s only a matter of time before the focus shifts to England, Japan, and eventually the U.S.   Along with a host of many other countries, virtually every nation in Europe has racked up tremendous debt.  The way each of these countries could keep accumulating this debt was by having other investors, governments, and banks invest in their bonds.   If these entities continued buying their bonds (which is essentially a loan) then they would continue spending like crazy.  One thing that this housing/banking crisis did was that it seriously damaged each one of these country's abilities to generate tax revenues.  When this happened those entities that were funding each of these countries spending binges started to rethink whether or not these countries would have the means for repayment and when that began, these bond holders began to sell their bonds, but at a loss.  Remember, when there are more sellers than buyers in the bond market, rates go up, and when there are more buyers than sellers, rates go down.  Considering that the selling was at panic levels, interest rates soared in these countries, and when interest rates go up it makes it that much more difficult for these countries to repay their debt, hence the downgrades from the ratings agencies in these countries.  The reality is that the aforementioned countries will probably never be able to repay their debts, and they will either default at some point in the future, or the (ECB) will print more money to support these countries.  As a condition from the (ECB) and European Union to aid in support to these countries, they have to make very painful cuts in their spending to receive this money, which signifies that wages will fall, people are losing jobs, and pensions are being reduced, which is why you are seeing all these Unions riot as in the images we saw coming from Greece.  So therefore you can pretty much bank on Europe going through a protracted downturn for quite some time,  and it´s not just these countries that are making cuts, but all of Europe is following suit and this will negatively affect the Euro for quite some time.
Of course this is causing the value of the EURO to go down,  and by default the dollar to go up because after all the Dollar is still the Reserve currency in the world and just as I tell my clients, the Dollar is basically the prettiest house in ghetto, so there is a lot of money flowing back to the States.  But all of the preceding demonstrates the strength of gold and even though the value of the dollar itself has been strengthening; the value of gold is strengthening even more.  Why?  It isn´t just gold vs. the dollar, but more so gold vs. paper currencies, and at the present time the world's  paper currencies are becoming debased, and you can pretty much expect this to happen for a protracted period of time.
Right now the focus is on Europe,  and again, it´s only a matter of time before Japan, England, and the U.S. go through their debt crisis.  The U.S has a $13 Trillion national debt and is expected to grow by another $10 Trillion over the next 10 years, projected by our own experts in the W.H.  This is unsustainable, according to the best and brightest experts in the field who are warning of our own oncoming debt crisis, and once the bond vigilantes (bond investors) deem U.S treasury bonds too risky to hold, then our rates will soar, and our dollar will free fall.  If you think gold is moving high now, just wait around a while and you will be really be surprised!
I advise investors to allocate a portion of their reserves into an asset which almost certainly will not lose its value, and that is precious metals, and I urge you to do it soon.  You do not want to wait to make your investment until after the focus of our National Debt shifts from Europe across the ocean to our shores.  There are many ways to invest in gold but I believe that the best way is to invest in physical gold.
Matthew Goldfuss

Investing in Gold

Investing in Gold: Irrational Exuberance!

Gold sellers scream: Buy! Buy! Buy!-But WHY?
by Michael Kay
Published on October 11, 2010
Yes, there is something substantial and tangible about precious metals. If you were to look at a chart of gold prices from 1985 to today (London PM Fix), gold has traded within a very tight trading range until it took off as we went into recession. Is this a surprise? No. In fact, investors fly from stocks when markets dip...yes, that's the SELL part. Since the market abhors a vacuum and interest rates are near zero, what could be more fun than to put your hard earned coin into, uh, coin. But what spurs investors to take the leap from one market to another?
The answer is a two-parter: one - 
Fear; and two, those who wish to SELL gold. The media does it's very best to stir the pot to rile up investors that their life savings will be worthless and that selling is a very good move; meanwhile, where does this "news" come from about the ultimate result of staying put in their portfolio? Ummmm....Wall Street? Commodities brokers? OK, remind me again, how do these folks get paid? Commissions from buying and selling you say? Ah, yes, commissions. So, would it be fair to say that someone has great motivation to scare the wits out of people? 
Everyone wants to be perceived as "smart" and "in the know." So when the pundits and salesmen shove charts in your face displaying the incredible rise in the price of gold, you might feel the tug to climb aboard the Midas Express. But before you do, take a moment to think about it and ask yourself a few choice questions.
1. Why is this a good investment?
2. What is my expectation of profit and over what time frame?
3. How will I know when to sell?
4. Is my decision- making based in emotion, fear or knowledge?
Once you've deliberated and you still believe this is the right move, take one more moment to consider your past successes and, yes, failures in making investment decisions. Lay it out on the table and be honest with yourself. We're not talking about miscounting golf shots here. For those who are contemplating this purchase out of fear of the collapse of our economic system, perhaps you might consider buying bags of grain rather than bars of gold. History is a great teacher; market cycles are just that, cyclical. Interest rates will not be near zero forever, housing prices will not be depressed forever and like a tree, gold will not rise to the sky.

AWAS!!! Jangan Tertipu dengan Skim Pelaburan

ARKIB : 14/10/2010

4 didakwa atas 796 tuduhan pengubahan wang haram

14/10/2010 9:06pm

KUALA LUMPUR 14 Okt. – Tiga pengarah dan seorang bekas pengarah sebuah syarikat pelaburan jongkong emas mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur hari ini atas 796 pertuduhan pengubahan wang haram, tiga tahun lalu, yang melibatkan urus niaga bernilai ratusan juta ringgit.
Kesemua pertuduhan itu melibatkan 364 cek melalui Public Bank, masing-masing antara RM100,000 sehingga RM4 juta untuk pelbagai kegunaan.
Mereka ialah Pengarah Syarikat Genneva Sdn Bhd iaitu Ng Poh Weng, 60; Marcus Yee Yuen Seng, 58; Chin Wai Leong, 34; dan seorang bekas pengarah syarikat itu, Liew Chee Wah, 56.
Poh Weng, yang menghadapi 263 pertuduhan, didakwa melibatkan diri dalam transaksi yang melibatkan hasil daripada suatu aktiviti haram iaitu dengan mengeluarkan beberapa keping cek berjumlah RM185,146,570.10, yang mana jumlah tersebut adalah merupakan hasil aktiviti haram antara 10 Jun 2008 hingga 27 Julai 2009.
Marcus Yee, yang menghadapi 234 pertuduhan, didakwa melakukan kesalahan yang sama melibatkan RM153,324,636.00 pada 20 Julai 2007 hingga 20 Julai 2009, dan wai Leong yang menghadapi 210 pertuduhan, didakwa melakukan kesalahan yang sama melibatkan RM212,992,466.50 pada 10 Jun 2008 hingga 6 Disember 2009.
Chee Wah yang menghadapi 89 pertuduhan, didakwa melakukan kesalahan yang sama melibatkan RM31,332,757.80 pada 20 Julai 2007 hingga 3 Februari 2008. – Bernama

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Beli Emas - Teknik Ar-Rahnu

Pembelian Emas dengan menggunakan teknik Ar-Rahnu:

Assalamulaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada rakan-rakan pembaca sekalian. Pagi ini saya terpanggil untuk menulis teknik pembelian emas dengan menggunakan kaedah Ar_Rahnu, sepertimana yang pernah anda dengar mengenai perkara ini. Berikut sedikit panduan yang mungkin boleh memberi sedikit ilmu pengentahuan kepada pembaca sekalian.

Contoh Pengiraan:

Harga Rantai Tangan 999(24k)  20g pada hari ini = RM156*/g = RM3120

Rate Ar-Rahnu Bank Rakyat :
emas 999 (2k) = RM155*/g
emas 950 (22.8k) = RM151*/g
(Biasanya Bank Rakyat akan memberi rate yg kurang sedikit dari rate  sebenar, contohnya emas 999(24k) akan dinilai dengan emas 950 (22.8k); kalau kita diberi rate 999.......Alhamdulillah; utk tujuan pengiraan ini saya mengambil rate 22.8k) 

Nilai Marhun = RM151 x 20g = RM3020
Nilai Pinjaman (70%) = RM3020 x 70% = RM2114
Upah simpan = RM3020 x 0.75% = RM22.65 sebulan
Tempoh simpanan dibenarkan = maksimum 36 bulan

Pembayaran yang perlu anda buat bagi memiliki Rantai Tangan 999 20g
                     : Harga rantai - Ar-Rahnu (70%)
                     : RM3120 – RM2114
                     : RM1006 (30% dari nilai Marhun)


Anda hanya perlu bayar RM1006.00 untuk  memiliki Rantai Tangan 999 seberat 20g , dan anda ada masa selama 36 bulan untuk menebus semula rantai tersebut. Tak kan tak sempat lagi kot utk menebusnya dalam tempoh tersebut.

*- Rate Ar-Rahnu Bank Rakyat dan Harga Rantai Tangan berubah setiap hari

Kami memiliki banyak koleksi Rantai Tangan 999, 20g yang dibuat khas untuk digunakan bagi tujuan pelaburan dengan menggunakan teknik-teknik Ar-Rahnu, kepada sesiapa yang berminat untuk memiliki Rantai Tangan 999, 20g bolehlah hubungi saya ditalian 012-392 1139 atau layari

InsyaAllah dikesempatan lain saya akan berceritakan mengenai teknik Overlap pula.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Peluang Perniagaan Agen Public Gold

Peluang perniagaan dengan Public Gold (Agen) di bawah rangkaian PelaburanEMAS2U masih diteruskan seperti biasa, dengan membeli produk Public Gold, Public Dinar dan Public Jewellery yang berjumlah RM20,000.00 lebih anda layak menjadi agen.

PERHATIAN!!!  duit RM20K bukan untuk pendaftaran tetapi untuk membeli emas, jadi anda akan mendapat emas pada harga semasa bernilai RM20K.

Segala persoalan sila hubungi saya 012 392 1139 atau 014 666 6996

Tarikh tutup tawaran pada bulan Oktober ini adalah pada 31/10/2010 jam 12tgh malam.

Why has the price of gold risen 300%?

There are sound reasons for it, like the US dollar's loss of status, but economists are warning of the risks of another price bubble
Kenneth Rogoff, Sunday 3 October 2010 17.00 BST
It has never been easy to have a rational conversation about the value of gold. Lately, with gold prices up more than 300% over the last decade, it is harder than ever. Just last December fellow economists Martin Feldstein and Nouriel Roubini each penned op-eds bravely questioning bullish market sentiment, sensibly pointing out gold's risks.
Wouldn't you know it? Since their articles appeared, the price of gold has moved up still further. Gold prices even hit a record high of $1,300 recently. In December 2009 many gold bugs were arguing that the price was inevitably headed for $2,000. Now, emboldened by continuing appreciation, some are suggesting that gold could be headed even higher than that.
One successful gold investor recently explained to me that stock prices languished for a more than a decade before the Dow Jones index crossed the 1,000 mark in the early 1980s. Since then, the index has climbed above 10,000. Now that gold has crossed the magic $1,000 barrier, why can't it increase tenfold, too?
Admittedly, getting to a much higher price for gold is not quite the leap of imagination that it seems. After adjusting for inflation, today's price is nowhere near the all-time high of January 1980. Back then gold hit $850, or well over $2,000 in today's dollars. But January 1980 was arguably a "freak peak" during a period of heightened geopolitical instability. At $1,300, today's price is probably more than double very long-term, inflation-adjusted, average gold prices. So what could justify another huge increase in gold prices from here?
One answer, of course, is a complete collapse of the US dollar. With soaring deficits and a rudderless fiscal policy, one does wonder whether a populist administration might recklessly turn to the printing press. And if you are really worried about that, gold might indeed be the most reliable hedge.
Sure, some might argue that inflation-indexed bonds offer a better and more direct inflation hedge than gold. But gold bugs are right to worry about whether the government will honor its commitments under more extreme circumstances. In fact, as Carmen Reinhart and I discuss in our recent book on the history of financial crises, This Time is Different, cash-strapped governments will often forcibly convert indexed debt to non-indexed debt, precisely so that its value might be inflated away. Even the United States abrogated indexation clauses in bond contracts during the Great Depression of the 1930s. So it can happen anywhere.
Even so, the fact that very high inflation is possible does not make it probable, so one should be cautious in arguing that higher gold prices are being driven by inflation expectations. Some have argued instead that gold's long upward march has been partly driven by the development of new financial instruments that make it easier to trade and speculate in gold.
There is probably some slight truth - and also a certain degree of irony - to this argument. After all, medieval alchemists engaged in what we now consider an absurd search for ways to transform base metals into gold. Wouldn't it be paradoxical, then, if financial alchemy could make an ingot of gold worth dramatically more?
In my view, the most powerful argument to justify today's high price of gold is the dramatic emergence of Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East into the global economy. As legions of new consumers gain purchasing power, demand inevitably rises, driving up the price of scarce commodities.
At the same time, emerging-market central banks need to accumulate gold reserves, which they still hold in far lower proportion than do rich-country central banks. With the euro looking less appetising as a diversification play away from the dollar, gold's appeal has naturally grown.
So, yes, there are solid fundamentals that arguably support today's higher gold price, although it is far more debatable whether and to what extent they will continue to support higher prices in the future.
Indeed, another critical fundamental factor that has been sustaining high gold prices might prove far more ephemeral than globalisation. Gold prices are extremely sensitive to global interest-rate movements. After all, gold pays no interest and even costs something to store. Today, with interest rates near or at record lows in many countries, it is relatively cheap to speculate in gold instead of investing in bonds. But if real interest rates rise significantly, as well they might someday, gold prices could plummet.
Most economic research suggests that gold prices are very difficult to predict over the short to medium term, with the odds of gains and losses being roughly in balance. It is therefore dangerous to extrapolate from short-term trends. Yes, gold has had a great run, but so, too, did worldwide housing prices until a couple of years ago.
If you are a high net-worth investor, a sovereign wealth fund, or a central bank, it makes perfect sense to hold a modest proportion of your portfolio in gold as a hedge against extreme events. But, despite gold's heightened allure in the wake of an extraordinary run-up in its price, it remains a very risky bet for most of us.
Of course, such considerations might have little influence on prices. What was true for the alchemists of yore remains true today: gold and reason are often difficult to reconcile.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Spot Gold, Futures Climb to Records; Silver Extends Rally to 30-Year High

By Sungwoo Park - Oct 6, 2010 10:49 AM GMT+0800
Gold jumped to a record for a second day as the dollar declined, boosting demand for precious metals as alternative assets. Silver advanced to a 30-year high and platinum climbed to the highest price in more than four months.
Gold for immediate delivery climbed as much as 0.3 percent to a record $1,344.35 an ounce and is traded at $1,342.30 at 11:43 a.m. in Seoul. Futures for December delivery gained to an all-time high of $1,345.40 an ounce on the Comex in New York. Spot silver extended gains to as high as $22.9438 an ounce, the highest price since September 1980, before trading little changed at $22.825.
"The dollar is falling, and that is increasing the appeal of gold and other precious metals," said Park Jong Beom, a trader at Tong Yang Futures Trading Co. in Seoul. "In addition, there's talk of more monetary easing out there and that means we will probably have more liquidity in the markets, increasing concerns about inflation. Demand for gold as a hedging tool against inflation is strong, too."
The Dollar Index, which gauges the greenback's value against six major monies, was little changed today after yesterday falling to the lowest level since January. Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Ben S. Bernanke Oct. 4 a first round of asset purchases in the U.S. improved the economy and that further buying is likely. The Bank of Japan yesterday pledged to keep its benchmark interest rate at "virtually zero" percent.
‘Quantitative Easing'
Bullion has outperformed global equities and Treasuries this year, prompting record investment in gold-backed exchange- traded products. The price has gained 22 percent this year, heading for the 10th straight annual gain and the longest rally since at least 1920, as central banks and governments maintained low borrowing costs and spent trillions of dollars to stimulate economies.
"The potential for additional quantitative easing and the likelihood of continued fiat currency weakness bolsters our desire to own gold, despite prices already trading at record highs," analysts led by Hussein Allidina and Peter Richardson at Morgan Stanley wrote in a report dated yesterday. Gold prices are expected to average $1,315 an ounce in 2011, 14 percent higher than Morgan Stanley's previous forecast, they wrote.
The Fed has left its benchmark interest-rate target at a record low and pledged to take more steps to spur growth. Japan's central bank set up a 5 trillion yen fund to buy government bonds and other assets. Bernanke and other officials have signaled over the past two weeks that the central bank may purchase more Treasuries at its next policy meeting on Nov. 2 to Nov. 3 to boost economic growth and reduce unemployment.
Exchange-Traded Holdings
Gold assets in exchange-traded products rose 0.6 metric ton to 2,094.9 tons as of Oct. 5, according to data compiled by Bloomberg from 10 providers. Holdings are up 17 percent this year and reached an all-time high of 2,097.01 tons on Sept. 30.
Holdings in the iShares Silver Trust, the biggest exchange- traded fund backed by the metal, climbed 94.32 metric tons to a record 9,877.20 tons as of Oct. 5, according to the company's website. 
Silver has risen 35 percent this year, outperforming gold. The ratio of gold to silver dropped to as low as 58.5171, the lowest level since September 2009.
Immediate-delivery platinum advanced as much as 0.9 percent to $1,707.50 an ounce, the highest level since May 14, before trading at $1,699 an ounce. Palladium declined 0.2 percent to $579 an ounce.
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